Mother’s Day 2022- Where Joy & Sorrow Meet

Linda Fode
2 min readMay 8, 2022
Family photo by T.Fode

I woke early this morning with the words from an old song going through my head.

There is a place of understanding where Joy and sorrow meet .

Today is Mother’s Day.

For us as a family and for mothers around the world there are mixed feelings.

For many there have been times of joy and times of sorrow.

In our family, an niece lost her daughter to a Fentanyl overdose.

In the Ukraine, thousands of mother’s are grieving the loss of their children . Some were soldiers and some were babies.

For many, Mother’s Day is a day of weeping . How does God address our tears?

We find the answer in John 11:1–44

It’s the story of the death of Lazarus . It’s the story of the grief and confusion of Mary and Martha.

It’s the story of response to grief .

It’s the story of hope of resurrection.

It’s the story of God joining us in grief .

In the moments before Jesus would bring Lazarus back to life he did one unusual thing .

Jesus Wept (John 11:35)

Where are you on Mothers’s Day, 2022?

Are the flowers you receive a bouquet or a wreath ?

Or have you recieved them both this past year ?

There is a place of understanding where joy and sorrow meet.

Let Jesus meet you where you are today .

Jesus says: “ I am with you always ,even until the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20

Virtually yours




Linda Fode

Writer,content creator,mentor and motivational speaker. Inspiring others to have a real relationship with God in their everyday lives.